We are so excited to announce that our beautiful little Bluenosers have arrived! 3 Gorgeous Girls and 2 Beautiful boys born February 1st, 2019.
Moe is a gorgeous, well balanced, solid and typy dog with a look we love and a personality to die for! We have been watching him for quite some time and were absolutely thrilled when his breeder, Bridget of OrionBlu Malamutes agreed to let us use him with Oceana!
Please email us for any information, or use the drop down menu to access our puppy application :)
Oceanas Clearances Date of Birth: 04/11/16 OFA Hips: Prelim GOOD CERF: Clear 2016/2017/2018 (awaiting OFA #) POLYNEUROPATHY: Clear by Parentage Long Coat Gene DNA: NCD56703 (Carrier)
Moe's Clearances Date of Birth: 07/18/15 OFA Hips: AM-14141G26M-VPI (GOOD) OFA Elbows: AM-EL1152M26-VPI CERF: Clear 2016/2017/2018 AM-PN DNA: Clear by Parentage Long Coat Gene DNA: 73025 (Carrier)