News and Events
Here you will find updates on our dogs, community events and other exciting news!
October 2024: Tioga and Busy attended the Fall ECSA Sprinter Trials and both came home with their NS Titles in VERY short work! Tioga's long legs give her huge extension to get down that 100 metres QUICK, but there is no comparison to Busy Bee the SPEED DEMON! She was 1.9 milliseconds shy of a 8 second run! |
September 2024: We have another new Canadian Champion in the house! A VERY Naked Busy attended the Sunday of the Halifax Kennel Club shows and was awarded Best of Breed and a Group 3rd, giving her more than enough points to finish! We are so proud of our Lil Bee, and cant wait to bring her back out as a special when she matures. |
September 2024: Oceana decided she'd like to come back out to play show dog at the Halifax Kennel Club Shows! It was SO nice to be back in the ring with my princess, and she proved that showing is something she LOVES to do as she didnt put a foot wrong and was awarded with a Group 4th on the first day and her second day she was awarded a group 1st as well as BEST VETERAN IN SHOW!! I cannot believe she is almost 9 years old. We will have to show some more before the big spay this winter. She loves it too much not to!
April 2024: We packed up the Mala-Mobile and drove to Harrisburg Pennsylvania to attend the AMCA Specialties in conjunction with the Blue-Grey Cluster !
Tioga and Busy were entered on alternating days during the week, and then both entered in the weekend specialties! Pictured here is Busy's Official RWB photo - 9 months old |
Busy finished the weekend by winning the bred by exhibitor puppy class every time she was entered, and earned a Reserve Winners Bitch under Breeder Judge, Jeremy Browne!
Tioga won the bred by exhibitor puppy once when she was entered in it, and twice she won the 9-12 month puppy class! Pictured here is Brazen and his Daughter Asti after the weight pull trial! |
Asti and her mum came along as well and won 2nd in a HUGE Open Bitch Class 3 times and in weightpull, pulled the highest weight for the smallest dog there, when Lani pulled her because we had more shows after the fact!
Brazen was also entered in Weightpull and earned his first leg toward his WWPD Title by pulling 1400lbs before I pulled him for the same reasons Lani did. Pictured here is Brazens Official RWD Photo! |
During one of the specialties, I was lucky enough to handle Brazen and Tiogas Father Grayson to an exciting Select Dog Win from the 7-9 year Veteran Class! We had SO much fun visiting with our Malamute Family and cannot wait to do it again! Pictured here is Tioga, being handled by one of our best friends Kaden! |
December 2023: Asti (FKA Beignet - Hali x Brazen 2022) went to her very first Weight Pull Trial and pulled 1640lbs (the maximum allowed for her weight class) in 10.27 seconds and earning first place in the 70lb A class! |
November 2023:
While away in West-Springfield Massachusetts, Busy said 3 Group 1sts and a Group 2nd wasnt enough and walked away with an absolutely MASSIVE Best Baby Puppy in Show win over an entry of 82 puppies! We are eternally grateful to Judge Mrs Ann Saliba (Lancaster Dobermans) for recognizing the quality and potential in our young girl. |
October 2023:
New UKC Champion!! Miss Asti UKC CH NovaMals Glazed & Confused BCAT CGC TKN ATT Asti was "Beignet" from our 2022 Breakfast of Champions litter out of Hali by Brazen. She is 16 months old and her and her mama, Kei-Lani are making us so so proud! Follow on their adventures on instagram: @kahakai.malamutes |
We are SO stoked to share the news that we are expecting puppies out of Hali by Eli! This breeding will be an interesting one, as Hali's mother Oceana was also bred to Eli's father Grayson and we will have both litters at the same time! We are looking forward to seeing what these two produce! Puppies due July 10, 2023! Inquiries are welcome. |
June 2023: PREGNANCY CONFIRMED!! We are SO stoked to share the news that Oceana's final breeding was successful! This breeding is a repeat of the breeding that gave us our Brazen. We are so excited to see what we get and are crossing our fingers for a little lady of our own :) Puppies due June 28, 2023! Inquiries are welcome. |
April 2023: 11 month old Asti (formerly Beignet) and her mama Lani attended the Blue Gray Cluster in Harrisburg PA and won her age class on one day and then at the Specialty she went BEST OF OPPOSITE IN SWEEPS! We are SO proud of this team and know the sky is the limit for them! If you would like to follow Asti and her big brother Silas' adventures in Virginia, follow them on instagram at @kahakai.malamutes |
April 2023: Brazen and Lynsay attended the Halifax Kennel Club Dog Shows and picked up 3 x Best of Breed, 2 x Group 3 and a Group 4, giving him enough points to complete the requirements for CANADIAN GRAND CHAMPION BRONZE!! We are so proud of this young dog, and so thankful to all the judges who are finding him in the ring. |
April 2023: Brazen and Lynsay attended the 2023 ALASKAN MALAMUTE CLUB OF CANADA NATIONAL SPECIALTY and were awarded SELECT DOG under very respected judge, Robert Vandiver. Brazen and I had the opportunity to speak with Mr Vandiver after the show was over and he had some really lovely things to say about our boy! He was the youngest male special in that ring by a few years and we are so honoured that Mr Vandiver found us in that line up! |
March 2023: Our beautiful boy Ammo….. Sometimes your big dreams as a breeder just dont turn out! It’s heartbreaking and gut wrenching….. but yet we still move forward.
Ammo will be making his home in Canada Alpine, his half sister. We will miss him beyond measure but unfortunately a life of being a show dog was not in his cards! He won the lottery with his new family, and I know they feel the same way |
March 2023: Oceana broke her foot!
This crazy girl does everything at maximum speed and with maximum passion and therefore her life can be quite the kamikaze. 6 weeks of crate rest and a huge cast to drag around before this girlie can get back to regular life! She is very upset that she cannot enjoy winter ! |
December 15 2022: Oceana went in to see our fabulous veterinarian, Dr Thompson for a wellness exam and to discuss the potential for one more litter if she is healthy enough to carry it safely. We did a full exam and bloodwork and are so happy and proud to report that she is in phenomenal shape and Dr T gave us her blessing to go ahead! Stay tuned for another NovaMal x SnoCreek Collaboration as we make plans for a repeat breeding with Grayson (Brazens father) this spring! |
October 28 - November 5th 2022: Brazen and Lynsay attended the 2022 AMCA National Specialty! We had a fabulous week surrounded by our magnificent breed and its passionate preservationists. We left the week with: 2 x Bred By Exhibitor 3rd's 1 x Leg toward his WWPD title with three successful pulls, ending at 900lb for his very first time in the schute |
July 2022: Brazen and I attended the Charlotte County Kennel Club Shows in Saint Andrews, New Brunswick! Piloted by our good friend, Brazen's Auntie Nicole while I was on Oceana, he won 2 x Best of Breeds and an absolutely AMAZING Group 2, placing above some of the top working dogs in the Country. The future is BRIGHT with this one! |
May 2022: Oceana and Cynic attended the East Coast Sighthound Associations Sprinter Trials! Oceana earned her Sprinter Title which is the second tier title for this sport!
Cynic is too young to compete, but we let him do a "puppy fun run" at the end of the day and it looks like he may be a great candidate for Sprinter when he is old enough! |
April 2022:
Brazen took his first plane ride! We went to St. Johns for the Newfoundland (all breed) Kennel Club Shows and had a great time! We picked up 3 group placements and are that much closer to his Grand Championship: Group 2 under Lynda Saranchuk Group 3 under Mel Saranchuk Group 3 under David Gilmour (Not Pictured) |
March 2022: Brazen and I took a whirwind trip to Candor, NY to visit with our Mentors, Bonnie and Jim Martin of SnoCreek Alaskan Malamutes and to pick up an extra special package!
Meet Cynic! SnoCreek Living in Cyn at NovaMal - Cynic is out of Brazens beautiful half sister Cypher, and a gorgeous Dog named Blaze from Amook Malamutes in HorseHeads NY! This pedigree combines our original pedigree with the direction we have been taking over the last couple of years and we are SO pleased with the results. Cynic is Bred by Bonnie and Jim Martin and Cheryll MacFarland, and owned and loved by Ashley McGuiness and Myself. Look out Dog Sports and Conformation! Were coming for ya! |
December 2021: Hali has completed all of her health testing and has received her CHIC #! We are so excited for her first litter in 2022. Details can be found on our Spring 2022 Litter Page! |
October 2021: We packed up the truck and headed on the road for the 17 hour drive to Lindsay, Ontario where we attended the Trillium Dog Fancier Shows as well as the Alaskan Malamute Club of Canada Mid-East Regional Specialty and Booster! Brazen won Select Dog at the All Breed Show on Friday and at the Specialty Show he earned an Award of Merit (AOM)!! We are so appreciative to the judges who found our darling boy - Grant Townsend (all breed) and Anna Hewson (specialty) |
October 2021: We packed up the truck and headed on the road for the 17 hour drive to Lindsay, Ontario where we attended the Trillium Dog Fancier Shows as well as the Alaskan Malamute Club of Canada Mid-East Regional Specialty and Booster! Maida was only entered in the specialty where she picked up an AMAZING Best of Opposite Sex in Veteran Sweeps Win!! We couldnt be more proud of her <3 |
July 2021: North had her Baby Puppy Debut at the Oromocto Kennel Club Shows! She did so well, was so happy and although we didnt win any rosettes, we won the hearts of everyone she met! Brazen went too, and was Best of Breed 2 out of 4 shows, bringing him to 8 points toward his Canadian Championship. |
October 2020: We took Oceana and Hali to a Chase Ability Trial held by the ECSA! Oceana only needed one more leg to earn her CA title which she did with EASE!
She is now RBIS BBPIS CH NovaMals Dreams Set Sail NTD NS CA ! Hali ran two BEAUTIFUL runs for two legs toward her title. We hope to complete our final legs in the Spring of 2021! |
March 2020: Brazen absolutely ROCKED his first weekend out as a show dog, winning the Baby Puppy Working Group 4 out of 5 shows and finishing the weekend with a BEST BABY PUPPY IN SHOW under Judge Thora Brown, in a ring stacked full of lovely puppies. This is just the beginning! He is now known as BBPIS NovaMals Autumn Uprising! |
March 2020: WE HAVE A NEW CHAMPION! Hali goes BEST OF BREED over Specials in the largest entry of Malamutes Nova Scotia has seen in many years! She then went on to take a GROUP THIRD in an absolutely MASSIVE and incredibly competitive Working Group under judge David Gilmour! Finishing her Canadian Championship in STYLE. She is now BBPIS CH NovaMals Halifornia Dreamin' |
September 2019: Oceana and I took a road trip to Bonnie and James Martin's Kennel in Pine Bush, New York USA. (SnoCreek Alaskan Malamutes)... stay tuned for more details on what we were up to! |
August 2019: Oceana, Hali and Lynsay along with Kyle and Jake (FKA Donair from our 2019 Nova Scotia Pride Litter) attended the NBKC Shows in Grand-Bay Westfield, New Brunswick!
It was Kyle and Jakes debut in the ring and although they need some more practice to become competitive, it was a great experience and we are so proud of the team! We cant wait to see what the future holds for those two. Oceana went Best of Breed 5 of the 6 shows and went Group Third under Judge Mr. Robert Rowbotham to finish her CKC Championship AGAIN after an error in point counting caused us to lose a large portion of our wins. She is now Multi Group Winning, RBIS BBPIS CH NovaMals Dreams Set Sail! Hali went Best Puppy in Breed at all 6 shows and totally WOWED us when she took the breed over her mother and Jake for her 2 point major! She is now half way to her Canadian Championship at just 2 weeks over 6 months of age. |
August 2018: We attended the New Brunswick Kennel Club Shows with Oceana and are happy to announce we completed her Canadian Championship! This means so much to us as she is our FIRST homebred Champion! Oceana completed all the requirements for her championship at the Group Level which is a feat in itself! |
Summer 2018: Oceana and I headed back into the Show Ring with a BANG! After over a year off of showing, she picked up 2 x group 3, 1 x group 2, 1 x group 1 and a RESERVE BEST IN SHOW! We couldnt be more pleased and are looking forward to getting her back out to show some more before she takes some time off for motherhood this fall. She is now RBIS BBPIS BPIG Multi Group Placing NovaMals Dreams Set Sail!! |
September 2016: Oceana wins Best Baby Puppy in Show! She is now MBBPIG BBPIS NovaMal's Dreams Set Sail :) |
` April 2015: Maida and Lynsay get a Group First under Judge Norman Deschuymere of Belguim, and a Group Second under Judge Johannes Shepers from the Netherlands in day one of the 2015 Canine Association Of Nova Scotia (CANS) CFC show! Day two ended with the same results! A Group First under Judge John Muldoon of Ireland and a Group Second under Judge Jean-Jacques Dupas from France! Best in Show ring on Day one was a whirlwind. Maida showed beautifully but it was a tough line up and BIS went to a Beautiful Rottie bitch. The Best In Show ring for day two proved to be a bit more telling, with Judge John Muldoon stopping directly in front of us with the ribbons for a second look. We thought for sure we had it but it was the PUG! Well deserved win for the little dog who COMMANDED those ribbons. All in all it was an excellent weekend out and we could not be more proud! |